123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146 |
- /*
- * This file is part of the SDWebImage package.
- * (c) Olivier Poitrey <rs@dailymotion.com>
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- #import "SDWebImageCompat.h"
- typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, SDImageScaleMode) {
- SDImageScaleModeFill = 0,
- SDImageScaleModeAspectFit = 1,
- SDImageScaleModeAspectFill = 2
- };
- typedef UIRectCorner SDRectCorner;
- #else
- typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, SDRectCorner) {
- SDRectCornerTopLeft = 1 << 0,
- SDRectCornerTopRight = 1 << 1,
- SDRectCornerBottomLeft = 1 << 2,
- SDRectCornerBottomRight = 1 << 3,
- SDRectCornerAllCorners = ~0UL
- };
- #endif
- /**
- Provide some common method for `UIImage`.
- Image process is based on Core Graphics and vImage.
- */
- @interface UIImage (Transform)
- #pragma mark - Image Geometry
- /**
- Returns a new image which is resized from this image.
- You can specify a larger or smaller size than the image size. The image content will be changed with the scale mode.
- @param size The new size to be resized, values should be positive.
- @param scaleMode The scale mode for image content.
- @return The new image with the given size.
- */
- - (nullable UIImage *)sd_resizedImageWithSize:(CGSize)size scaleMode:(SDImageScaleMode)scaleMode;
- /**
- Returns a new image which is cropped from this image.
- @param rect Image's inner rect.
- @return The new image with the cropping rect.
- */
- - (nullable UIImage *)sd_croppedImageWithRect:(CGRect)rect;
- /**
- Rounds a new image with a given corner radius and corners.
- @param cornerRadius The radius of each corner oval. Values larger than half the
- rectangle's width or height are clamped appropriately to
- half the width or height.
- @param corners A bitmask value that identifies the corners that you want
- rounded. You can use this parameter to round only a subset
- of the corners of the rectangle.
- @param borderWidth The inset border line width. Values larger than half the rectangle's
- width or height are clamped appropriately to half the width
- or height.
- @param borderColor The border stroke color. nil means clear color.
- @return The new image with the round corner.
- */
- - (nullable UIImage *)sd_roundedCornerImageWithRadius:(CGFloat)cornerRadius
- corners:(SDRectCorner)corners
- borderWidth:(CGFloat)borderWidth
- borderColor:(nullable UIColor *)borderColor;
- /**
- Returns a new rotated image (relative to the center).
- @param angle Rotated radians in counterclockwise.⟲
- @param fitSize YES: new image's size is extend to fit all content.
- NO: image's size will not change, content may be clipped.
- @return The new image with the rotation.
- */
- - (nullable UIImage *)sd_rotatedImageWithAngle:(CGFloat)angle fitSize:(BOOL)fitSize;
- /**
- Returns a new horizontally(vertically) flipped image.
- @param horizontal YES to flip the image horizontally. ⇋
- @param vertical YES to flip the image vertically. ⥯
- @return The new image with the flipping.
- */
- - (nullable UIImage *)sd_flippedImageWithHorizontal:(BOOL)horizontal vertical:(BOOL)vertical;
- #pragma mark - Image Blending
- /**
- Return a tinted image with the given color. This actually use alpha blending of current image and the tint color.
- @param tintColor The tint color.
- @return The new image with the tint color.
- */
- - (nullable UIImage *)sd_tintedImageWithColor:(nonnull UIColor *)tintColor;
- /**
- Return the pixel color at specify position. The point is from the top-left to the bottom-right and 0-based. The returned the color is always be RGBA format. The image must be CG-based.
- @note The point's x/y should not be smaller than 0, or greater than or equal to width/height.
- @note The overhead of object creation means this method is best suited for infrequent color sampling. For heavy image processing, grab the raw bitmap data and process yourself.
- @param point The position of pixel
- @return The color for specify pixel, or nil if any error occur
- */
- - (nullable UIColor *)sd_colorAtPoint:(CGPoint)point;
- /**
- Return the pixel color array with specify rectangle. The rect is from the top-left to the bottom-right and 0-based. The returned the color is always be RGBA format. The image must be CG-based.
- @note The rect's width/height should not be smaller than or equal to 0. The minX/minY should not be smaller than 0. The maxX/maxY should not be greater than width/height. Attention this limit is different from `sd_colorAtPoint:` (point: (0, 0) like rect: (0, 0, 1, 1))
- @note The overhead of object creation means this method is best suited for infrequent color sampling. For heavy image processing, grab the raw bitmap data and process yourself.
- @param rect The rectangle of pixels
- @return The color array for specify pixels, or nil if any error occur
- */
- - (nullable NSArray<UIColor *> *)sd_colorsWithRect:(CGRect)rect;
- #pragma mark - Image Effect
- /**
- Return a new image applied a blur effect.
- @param blurRadius The radius of the blur in points, 0 means no blur effect.
- @return The new image with blur effect, or nil if an error occurs (e.g. no enough memory).
- */
- - (nullable UIImage *)sd_blurredImageWithRadius:(CGFloat)blurRadius;
- #if SD_UIKIT || SD_MAC
- /**
- Return a new image applied a CIFilter.
- @param filter The CIFilter to be applied to the image.
- @return The new image with the CIFilter, or nil if an error occurs (e.g. no
- enough memory).
- */
- - (nullable UIImage *)sd_filteredImageWithFilter:(nonnull CIFilter *)filter;
- #endif
- @end