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- /*
- * This file is part of the SDWebImage package.
- * (c) Olivier Poitrey <rs@dailymotion.com>
- * (c) Jamie Pinkham
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- #import "SDWebImageCompat.h"
- FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSErrorDomain const _Nonnull SDWebImageErrorDomain;
- /// The HTTP status code for invalid download response (NSNumber *)
- FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSErrorUserInfoKey const _Nonnull SDWebImageErrorDownloadStatusCodeKey;
- /// SDWebImage error domain and codes
- typedef NS_ERROR_ENUM(SDWebImageErrorDomain, SDWebImageError) {
- SDWebImageErrorInvalidURL = 1000, // The URL is invalid, such as nil URL or corrupted URL
- SDWebImageErrorBadImageData = 1001, // The image data can not be decoded to image, or the image data is empty
- SDWebImageErrorCacheNotModified = 1002, // The remote location specify that the cached image is not modified, such as the HTTP response 304 code. It's useful for `SDWebImageRefreshCached`
- SDWebImageErrorBlackListed = 1003, // The URL is blacklisted because of unrecoverable failure marked by downloader (such as 404), you can use `.retryFailed` option to avoid this
- SDWebImageErrorInvalidDownloadOperation = 2000, // The image download operation is invalid, such as nil operation or unexpected error occur when operation initialized
- SDWebImageErrorInvalidDownloadStatusCode = 2001, // The image download response a invalid status code. You can check the status code in error's userInfo under `SDWebImageErrorDownloadStatusCodeKey`
- SDWebImageErrorCancelled = 2002, // The image loading operation is cancelled before finished, during either async disk cache query, or waiting before actual network request. For actual network request error, check `NSURLErrorDomain` error domain and code.
- SDWebImageErrorInvalidDownloadResponse = 2003, // When using response modifier, the modified download response is nil and marked as failed.
- };